Translation memory

The trace of my family is obliterated by the line of great-grandparents. All I have left of them is an inherited memory, a handful of photographs, notes and residual rationale.
I decided to make an investigation. I selected the oldest photographs from the family archive. The people in them seem completely foreign to me. After scanning and enlarging the photos, I began my detective process. I cut out tiny fragments from them, which only after repeated enlargement revealed their contents. The type of work I did could be called a periscope strategy - creating an opportunity to look at the unseen.
I used two books for my work. The first is written in German, the second in Hebrew. Both languages belong to my ancestors. I don’t know either of them. This is how my „family album” was created, the narrative of which I build through details and intuitive drawing. It is an attempt to organize fragments of inherited memory, which is something completely abstract.
Kraków Photomonth XIX/ FRINGE/ Translation memory/ instalation/ 2021
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